Before moving to Memphis, Ranise was involved in rescue in Chicago for a little over 5 years. She started out doing events and raising money, then moved on to volunteering with handling and dog walking, and eventually became a board member for another rescue for more than 2 years. She then became a foster coordinator for ALIVE. Ranise took what she learned in Chicago and has started our very first “branch” to help reduce the extensive overpopulation problem in Memphis. Ranise shares her home with Zelda, the very first dog rescued by ALIVE Rescue Memphis, and has two other foster failures from the program in Memphis, Patty and Sprout. Ranise’s previous dog, Anita Riot, was her inspiration for getting into rescue.


Asst. Cat Test Coordinator

Hazel, aka Street Fred, is a smushy faced girl who frequently hosts the puppies of ALIVE rescue at her house. She teaches them very quickly that cats aren't to be messed with and shows them proper manners while also spending lazy afternoons in the sun with all her dog minions.